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The Deep Squat to Optimize Spinal Mobility, Pelvic Stability, and Ankle Flexion

This is a short post to bring awareness to one of the mobility expert Kelly Starrett’s cornerstones – the deep squat hold. In this quick video, I underscore the simple yet profound changes that can result from consistently holding a deep squat for a period of time.

View the first ever Mobility WOD episode by Dr. Starrett (from August 2010) where he assigns his first challenge: hold the deep squat for at least 10 minutes. Can you do it? Click here to see the video.

Tyler Tafelsky Gravel Cyclist
Head of Content at  | Website

Endurance athlete, professional off-road cyclist, and avid blogger, Tyler Tafelsky participates in long-course multisport and cycling events. Today, Tyler competes in ultra-distance cycling races at the professional level. Since starting Better Triathlete in 2014, he has been the head of content for the site's editorial team. Learn more about Tyler